Monday, October 10, 2011

Well, hell.

Wow, it has been a really, really long time.  Things are going well over here.  I am training for the Rock and Roll half marathon on Nov. 19th.  I ran 8 miles on Saturday, in the rain and felt awesome.  I am progressing well and am really liking my running.  I am following the Hal Higdon program and it appears to be working.  I was a little apprehensive about the 8 miles, I'd never run that far before, but it was fine.  I didn't feel overly tired at the end of the run and felt as though I could have gone on for some more.  My goals with the half are to A) finish, B) finish under two hours.  I am really stoked about it.  Also, I've got the Livestrong challenge this weekend.  My sister and her husband are coming to Austin to run in this event and it is going to be awesome.  A year ago, my sister was really, really sick.  Scary sick.  And now she's running 5K's.  I am so excited about this and cannot wait for Saturday.  I'll try to keep this thing updated more.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chasing the Chupacabra 10K Post race

Well, this event was pretty cool.  It was well organized and lots of fun.  The night time trail running was a little scary at first and I did eat it at one point.  I was paying attention to the guy in front of me who ate it and didn't see the stump past him that I tripped on.  Didn't get hurt, just some scrapes and dirt.  But after that it was relatively smooth sailing.  Lots of tripping and lost balance but I never hit the deck again.  At points the trail would get very narrow and if you were behind a slower runner it would get bogged down. I didn't have too many issues with this and looked at the slower pace as a nice rest.  At one point the trail came out into a clearing and there was an amazing view of downtown San Antonio and a thunderstorm south of SA.  It was really beautiful.  There was a woman that I got behind for a pretty good period of time.  She was running a pretty good pace and was great at pointing out stumps and roots and rocks.  I ended up passing her about a mile and half from the finish and wanted to find her and thank her afterwards, but amazingly, there were tons of people in neon green shirts and black shorts.  My end time was 1:03:11.  Pretty good for my first competitive 10K, in the dark, on a trail.  It was definitely a blast and I will do it again next year.  Lots of fun.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chupacabra 10K

Getting nervous.  Ready to go. Hard to concentrate on work.  I'll update later with how I did.  GULP.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chasing the Chupacabra 10K

Well tomorrow night is the big night.  I am pretty stoked.  I ran 6.25 miles on Sunday in under an hour, so not so nervous about doing the distance.  Now I am worried about running on trails, dirt trails, paved trails at night.  Also afraid it may be somewhat of a clusterfuck.  But whatever, I will be running at night with a headlamp on.  it should be fun.  Really looking forward to it.  I'll let you know how I do.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Get on the Good Foot

All right, ran for the first time in a month on Sunday and felt awesome.  Did a 5k in under 27 minutes.  Pretty happy with that.  Signed up for a 10K nighttime headlamp run!!  That should be fun.  I'm not worried about the headlamp running, I do that all the time.  The 10K part, a little iffy.  I'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Things are going all right.  I am taking a little break, trying to get the ankle to heal.  I am also doing P90X, so that takes up a lot of my running time.  But as soon as I'm done, I'll be back to running.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WTF Watches

First off, everything is going well.  Running, walking all good.  For some reason my run on Sunday kind of sucked, could have to do with eating crappily on Saturday, I don't know, but the run today was great.  But today started off very badly.  Went to put on my Garmin and it was DEAD.  Nothing, nada, nunca, blank screen, no life.  DEAD.  So I went to find my back up watch and it couldn't be found.  Luckily I am a man of many watches and found a digital that had some life in it, so I strapped that one on and got gone.  Except that when I started my run, when I pushed the start button BOTH OF THE FUCKING STRAPS BROKE!  So I ended up putting my watch in my pocket and went on my way. Had a good run, felt great but really missed my Garmin.  :(  So I get to work, all pissed off about my Garmin, ready to call those bastards up and light them up about my watch. I'd posted about it on Facebook and my running buddy Russ let me know that there was a simple fix.  Press and hold the light button.  SOB!  So it works now and now I know.  Yay.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunday and Monday

Yesterday, Sunday, I got in a really good run.  5 miles, which, up until a couple of weeks ago I'd never run, in the freaking South Texas heat and humidity.  The last mile was hard.  But I sucked it up and got it done.  This morning was a no run at all situation.  I just took it easy with the dog.  Three miles at a nice easy pace.  I am really stoked about my running abilities now.  My body feels great and legs are feeling good.  I hope I have many more miles to come.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Today I went out to Eisenhower Park in SA and ran on some trails out there.  Back when I was FATMAX I came out here and could barely walk up to the tower without stopping to catch my breath.  Today I RAN to that fucking tower and kept going.  It felt fucking awesome.  Excuse my language today, but I feel too good.  It just feels excellent to see the progress I've made.  Yay ME!!  I think you can check out my route here.  If not, try and copy and paste the below link.  If neither work, well, sucks to be you.  Kidding, sorry.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stupid Alarm

I reset my alarm yesterday morning and forgot to re-reset it last night for this morning.  I woke up 45 minutes later than I usually like to.  I wasn't able to get in a full 5 miles but worked in 3.  And I felt pretty damn good.  Except for the freaking wind.  Good Lord, heading back was miserable.  12-22 mph winds in the face really suck.  But I made it and felt good.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So, it has been a while.  Nothing wrong here, everything is great.  Running more and more.  I've been putting in more miles running than I ever have.  Now I am able to run a good 5 miles without stopping.  It's pretty fucking awesome.  Still walking with the Dog, but as it gets warmer it is harder for him to go long distances.  The warmth and humidity really wipes him out.  Life is good right now.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Komen Race for the Cure

What an awesome event.  I had a great time yesterday.  I ran a PR of 25:32.  It was a little sketchy though.  I only got 4 hours of sleep the night before, it was pretty warm and humid and there were a gazillion(30K+) people out there. But I ran great.  My awesome Wife did a PR as well.  I am so proud of her.  The rest of the day was pretty rad as well.  We went to Prom, my wife is a high school teacher, and had a blast.  I had a great day, as my three year old would say.

Friday, April 29, 2011

This Week

Has been uneventful.  Did my new route on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Ran a 5k on Thursday.  Rest today.  Komen tomorrow.  Pretty excited.  And then PROM with the wife on Saturday night.  Should be fun.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Running

A great run on Easter Sunday.  I ran 3.1 miles in under 26 minutes, which is a personal best for me.  The weather was good.  I was a little worried about this run, I has some beer last night and did not eat very well last night.  But everything was all right and I was able to put in a great time.  Really looking forward to the Komen next weekend.  CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easy Like Friday Morning

The Dog and I took it easy today.  Hardly any running, just walking.  Got almost 5 miles in an hour and that is just fine with me.  Warm and muggy, probably going to be like this for a while.  Feeling good.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Week

Has been great.  I started a new, wild dog free, route this week.  I like my old route better still, but so far there haven't been any wild dog chases.  It is a little longer too, which is good.  I'm feeling great, my weight is staying down and things seem to going really good.  New job is keeping me busy during the day so I don't have as much time to update my blogs like I used to.  I try to keep posting.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wild Dogs

What was meant to be an easy workout this morning turned into quite the adventure.  I wanted to take it easy this morning, after the big run yesterday and the weather not being too favorable for the dog.  It started off well, a little stiff but nothing eventful happening.  And then the dogs came.  I passed them on the way out and got past them without too much hassle but it was still scary.  They were wary to run out into some light traffic and the dog and I hauled ass.  I was pretty worried about coming back but there really is no way around where they were for me to get home.  So I sucked it up and dove back in and hoped for the best.  I got almost through where I had seen them and thought that maybe they had moved on.  When I got half way through the area I saw them and they saw me and it was on.  Thank goodness they weren't distance runners.  The dog and I had a big enough lead on them that they got a little too close for comfort but they never really got withing striking distance.  I think I'm going to get me some pepper spray.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Haulin' Booty

Tried to run my full 5 mile course this morning and almost succeeded.  And I felt great.  Still feel great.  It was awesome.  Pretty soon I'll be able to do the whole thing.  Weight is still down but I haven't lost any more.  Grr...Weather was nice, a little on the humid side but all right.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Same Thing, Different Day

Nothing too eventful today.  Got up, got ready, got gone.  Another good workout and good weather.  The dog was good and I was good.  Weight still down, still eating right.  Voila!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

The weekend went well.  I moved into a new office and I was there pretty much all night on Friday and most of the day on Saturday.  Not that the fam and I didn't have fun on Saturday.  We made it out to the farmers market and got some really good stuff.  Sunday I got in 18 holes with a buddy.  I shot all right, nothing great but better than I have played in a while.  Then it was housework, yardwork for the rest of the day.  Monday became an unscheduled rest day, it was raining!  This morning was fantastic.  Crisp and clear.  I need to take advantage of these cool mornings, they aren't going to last.  Eating has been horrible lately but the weight is staying off somehow.

Friday, April 8, 2011

5 miles is a long way

Well, left the dog at home this morning and tried to run my 5.2 mile route.  That's tough.  I feel good about the amount I accomplished but I wish I could have run a little more.  And the warm and muggy mornings are back.  UGH.  It was 75 with 86% humidity.  I was a sweaty mess by the time I got back home.  I liked it.  Ha.  Well for eating pizza last night, the wife and I were being lazy last night, I still weighed 207 this morning.  YES!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Somebody Didn't Wan't to Run Today

And it wasn't me.  Ha.  The dog was tired I guess, he wasn't into the running at all.  Walking was fine and dandy, in fact most of the time we were walking he was pulling me along, but the moment I started to run he'd slow on down.  I don't really blame him, we've gone pretty hard the last couple of days, he needed a break and maybe so did I.  It was a pretty good morning, low 60's but the humidity is getting into the gross levels, 94%.  And the weight keeps coming off, 207 this morning.  Awesome.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Fine Day

Another great morning.  I had full intentions of taking it easy this morning and not pushing it.  Well that didn't happen.  I ran a lot, it helps when the dog is game to go.  He didn't slow me down at all.  It was nice.  The weather has been great, a little on the cool side, but I will not complain because the shitty mornings are right around the corner.  And this morning the scale read 208 lbs!  WTF?  The lbs are flying off.  I hope I can keep this up all the way to 200!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Freaking Fantastic

Had an excellent run/walk today.  Just a good workout, felt great, legs felt good, dog was keeping up well, just everything felt in place.  The weather was a little cool, Weather channel said 37 but I believe it was warmer than that.  No wind and low humidity, made for a great workout.  AND the big news, for the first time in I don't know how long I weighed in UNDER 210 POUNDS!!!  209 LBS BABY!!!  That's pretty big and has me feeling really good about things.  Maybe the oral surgery was a wake call or something, maybe the soft/liquid diet I was on jump started my metabolism or something.  I've been losing weight like a champ these last couple of weeks.  The day before surgery I was 221 and today I am 209.  Pretty awesome.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Funday

Ran a 5K this morning, at a local track, not a actual race or anything. Was a little apprehensive, I haven't run since the end of February and I took almost two weeks completely off due to the surgery. Well, I ran it as fast as the one I ran at the end of February. Yay me!! It felt great, I felt like I was going really slow but I averaged an 8:35 mile,which for me is pretty fast. Then I got home and cleaned the shower and toilet, mowed the lawn and put out some weed and feed, vacuumed and that's about it. I'm done!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving and Grooving

Today felt really, really good. Running a little more each day, keeping an eye on the dog, don't want him to get too hot. The weather has been pretty much perfect the last couple of days, could use a little less humidity, but I'll take what we've got right now. Whatever motivational issues I've had recently seem to be gone. Getting out of bed has been pretty easy and I'm even looking forward to my workouts. Also seeing the scale read 210 this morning was pretty awesome. I haven't seen it that low in a long time, it feels pretty good. I'm hoping to be down to my goal, 200, by summer time. It is April, I cannot believe this year is going so fast.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crap, my blog!!

I forgot, I'm a blogger of miles. All right, so it appears that I am back on track here. I got out Tuesday, Wednesday and today for my five mile route. It feels great! My jaw is still hurting, but my body feels good. So February and March kind of sucked for miles. Hopefully I'll get things turned around here in April. I've got the Komen Race for the Cure 5K at the end of the month and that should give me some pretty good motivation. I would love to run a sub 25 min 5K. That would be awesome. My weight is down since the surgery, probably due to the fact that I am on a soft food diet. I'm not hungry, which is good and my weight is down 8 lbs since the surgery, so that is great.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's Happening?

OK, so I've been kind of nonexistent lately. Sorry. Had some serious motivation issues lately. Got them fixed, was feeling really good. Rolled off some great workouts and then BAM! Oral surgery from hell. I went in last Friday, 03/18/2011, to have two wisdom teeth removed. What was supposed to be a simple surgery turned into a nightmare. The roots of one of my teeth had fused to my jawbone and this became a real pain in the ass, well face but you know what I mean. I came to while they were working on the problem tooth and that wasn't fun. Then knocked me out again and when I came to again all was over and it looked like I had been tortured. Bloody bandages all over the place. My teeth in a tray in complete shatters. Holy Crap, it sucked. Still sucks. My face is swollen, I look like a chipmunk with a too big acorn in its mouth, or as a co-worker pointed out Fat Max, me before I lost all the weight. Thanks for that. Anyways, as soon as I get the OK from the Dr. I will be back out there. Hell, I might sneak in a walk tomorrow if I'm feeling this good. We will see.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again

All right, after a week or so of laziness, I hit the road again. It felt great. Good weather today. This is the weather I like. Low 60's, high humidity, little wind. My bread and butter. Love it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday

Yesterday day I had a really good walk/run. Felt great. Today, sometimes the whole getting up at 4 thing is unbearable, so today was a sleep in day. I feel slightly recharged and I am looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully the planets align and all of my houses are in order so I can get some sleep. NOT DOING A DAMN THING! Not really, probably going to do a lot of house work, but no traveling, dammit!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The 5K, Monday and Tuesday

All right I ran a 5K in Bastrop on Saturday. It was pretty awesome. My wife, Brother in-law and a good friend all participated and fun was had by all. I ran my fastest 5K yet, coming in at 26:31, 30 seconds faster than the one I ran in November. Next came the brother in-law, his first 5K and he finished in 31:36. Pretty good for his first one. But the big story was my wife. She rocked this 5K, taking 12 minutes off her last time to come in at 45:42. Our friend Sarah is a running freak and she came and paced Amanda for the whole 5K. She's pretty awesome and we thank her greatly for the support and help. Golfed on Sunday and didn't do anything on Monday. My legs, shit, my whole body was tired on Monday, so I took the day off. Today I got up and did my usual 5 miler. Felt good. Legs are still tired, but they'll be all right.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Rest Days

So maybe I pushed it a little, coming back from the two flus, so I took yesterday and today off. Got a 5K tomorrow too, so rest is a good thing. Want fresh legs tomorrow. Pretty excited, I ran this 5K last year, it was my first one. I'm pretty excited to see how much of a better time I can put up. A little bummed that I am not 100% going into the race, but it shouldn't be too hard to put up a better time than I did last year. And the Wife and my Brother in-law are running in it too. Should be a good time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just Like it Used to Be

All right, I think I am back to 100%. Today's walk was great and I didn't feel weak or worn out. I do now, but hopefully that will go away by tomorrow. Don't think I'll be able to run the whole 5K on Saturday, but I won't be surprised if I do. We'll see.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 More Miles

It felt great to get back to my 5 mile route. I've missed it. Still not feeling 100%, but way better than I have been feeling. Got some issues going on with my left foot. Not open sores, not blisters, but more like a callus on the ball of my left foot and my heel. They hurt. Not good. Walking on them is all right, but running isn't all that great. I hope they go away or I guess I should look into it. I hope it isn't anything to terrible.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

Well, I'm back finally. After flu's and stomach flu's and setbacks and all sorts of crap I finally got back out there. It felt good. I am weak and I went pretty slow, for me, but all in all it was just really nice to get a sweat on. And not a sweat caused by a horribly high fever.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Holy Christ

All right, still alive. Barely. Today is the first day since Monday that I've felt good. Still pretty weak and tired, but I feel alive and not like a zombie. I am aiming for getting some kind of exercise tomorrow. This has been awful. The kid has had, in the last two weeks, the stomach flu, the regular flu, is currently rocking an ear infection and a possible UTI. Fun times. Poor kid. But she's tough.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Uckfay Ouyay Uflay

Well, did not get shit done this weekend. The Kid has the flu, for real, so we spent most of yesterday dealing with that. Wonderful. So no real workout since last Tuesday. Awesome. And I am trying to convince myself that I am not getting the flu too. UGH!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eff the Flu

Been out with the stomach flu since Thursday. Feel much better today, will hopefully be getting in some miles tomorrow. Suck it Flu!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Run Fast

Last night, before the cold front hit, I got out and went to the track by our house. Figured today wouldn't be a good day to to get out and it isn't. Got in 3.25 miles and felt fantastic. My pace, 9:06 is the fastest I've been in a while and I got in two miles, walked .25 and then ran the rest. My last mile running was faster than my second. I'm pretty stoked. For a while it seemed like it was going to be a really bad run, but something happened, I adjusted my stride, something and it just went insanely smooth on that last mile. I stopped and felt like I could have kept going. I should have. Anyways, heres to hoping I can get out there tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Post Superbowl Blah

This morning's walk sucked. I wasn't feeling it. My stomach is upset, whether from a bug or the food I ate yesterday, I don't know. Just wasn't feeling it. Got in 3 miles, but was pretty slow. Anyways the Packers won, I am a happy man.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


All right, today is Superbowl Sunday and I am going a little nutso. I am a huge Packers fan and I want the game to start. Anyways, I took advantage of the fantastic weather to get out there and get some running in. I went to my old track and got in a good 3.5 run. It felt good. Now I can focus the Superbowl. GO PACK GO!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday, Friday = Getting it done but not having fun

Holy crap Thursday's walk was miserable. It was cold, the wind was BLOWING and with the threat of snow(WTF?) in the forecast, I needed to go. Me and the beast did the abbreviated 3.5 mile route and froze our cojones off. It did snow(WTF?), but it did not last. By noon on Friday almost all evidence of snow was melted away. I got out for the 5 miler and it felt great. The beast and I ran quite a bit and we both held up fine. The kiddo got into something nasty on Friday night and produced monumental amounts of vomit. It was a rough night and most of today has been spent in pajamas, just trying to recover from last night. Queasy stomach today too, not sure if it a stomach bug or nightmares from the amount of puke I had to clean up last night. It was horrifying/amazing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, last night I decided I better get my booty out there and not wait for the morning. So with wool socks, two pairs of pants, a pair of shorts, a tee shirt, two long sleeved shirts, a fleece jacket, a windbreaker, a wool hat, a wool muffler I set out to freeze my buttocks off with my Dog, who was none too happy about it. We got in 3.5 miles and didn't freeze solid. It was 28 with winds of 21-28 mph. I was glad to get home but also happy I got out there and did something. I probably won't get out today at all, it is much colder and I have to play daddy daycare tonight while the wife is at school. I hate the wind.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


UGH! Woke up just when the cold front hit San Antonio, wind, rain, cold. Back to bed I went. I hate the weather this time of year. Pick one, cold and windy or nice and calm, I don't care, just pick one.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday and Monday

I did not get an official workout in on Sunday, but unofficially, I walked a couple of miles with the Wife and Kid while we were in San Marcos. It was a beautiful day and we spent some good time in San Marcos. The Wife and I both went to school there and we miss it. We took the Kid to an awesome park near the river and let her play on the huge playscape and throw rocks into the River. It was great. A professor I had when I was in college was there with his daughter and it was great to catch up with him. Maybe we'll make it back that way someday. Today was a great walk, the weather was fantastic and the new shoes still rock. It was a great month for my walking, I got in 95 miles, my highest mile total since I started walking/running. Still hovering around 219/220, but hopefully those lbs will start coming off easier as the weather warms up. Or when I start eating better. Hmmm....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Saturday Evening Stroll

It was a beautiful day today, I had to get out. I had my content exam this morning. Holy Crap was that a pain in the ass. 3.5 hours of multiple choice and an essay. Fun Times. And I got new shoes today, finally. When the guy at Soler's saw the shape that my old shoes were in he laughed. I was a little bit behind in getting some shoes. Great, great day. Well weather wise. Other things haven't been so great. Hopefully I'll get to sleep in tomorrow.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday Friday Friday

All right, had a pretty good workout week. Got in 4 walks, hopefully I can squeeze one in this weekend too. I need new shoes in a bad bad way, too. My left foot is starting to hurt on the ball of the foot, because, well, there is no cushioning there anymore. But other than that I feel great. Worried, nervous about my test tomorrow, but there ain't shit I can do about that now. Anyways, here's to a good weekend. 5.26 miles in 1:05:05. The weather was nice and I weighed in at 218 lbs.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is amazing what a difference the wind can make. It was 31 this morning, but no wind, so it wasn't bad at all. It was clear and the moon and the planets were brilliant. Just a nice way to start the day. There are many things going on right now that I cannot control and it is nice to be able to get out and do something where I can just focus on what is front of me, the sidewalk, and not what is going on around me, life. Life isn't so bad, but sometimes it gets pretty heavy. Anyways, enough of that crap. It was cold, 31, but it was a very nice 31. I hope this stays this way for a couple of days.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Effing Deer

A deer scared the bejesus out of me this morning. I walk by a field and this mofo decided to jump out of the field right in front of me and the Dog. I damn near pooped myself. Other than that everything went really well. Feeling good and it seems that the Dog is too. Just moving and groovin. Another 5 miles in the bank. I am tired of the damn cold wind though. Come on low 60's. And I need to stop bitching because it will be 80 and 100% humidity in a couple of months.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekend Full of Nothing

Well, I did not do a damn thing, workout wise, this weekend. That means I haven't don't shit since last Wednesday. Way to go me! Maybe I needed a little break. I don't know. But that is what happened. Regardless, I got up this morning and went. I think the rest did me well. And the dog. We went at a pretty good clip and the Dog did not seem to show any signs of whatever was ailing him last week. Really going to but forth the effort to get out every weekday this week. It would be nice to but up 25 miles this week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sick Baby

Well the kiddo is sick today. She got up in the middle of the night with a bad cough and fever. I took care of her and am staying home with her today. SO, no exercise for Max today. Maybe when the Wife gets home from work I can go get in a mile or two. We'll see. Might not be such a bad thing, it was freaking cold this morning.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well sleep and my body telling me it needed rest won out this morning. Bad move, since it was in the 50's this morning and it looks like it will be in the 20's in the next few mornings. Great. Oh well, the sleep was nice.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Stiff and sore today. Left foot pain, left knee pain. Not really pain, annoyance. Still got out there with the Dog, who seems to be better, but for most of it I was not really feeling it. Stupid running, I love you so much and you treat me so bad, but I still run. Meh, it was a great morning though. Full moon, no clouds, little wind. It was nice. One thing I like about wearing the headlamp is all the little glowing eyes I now see on my walks. Never get too close, but I see you watching me out there, little critters.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I was Running Again

Well, all right then. I needed this in a bad way. The dog wasn't looking so good, so I left him home this morning, said, "What the hell?" and ran my tookus off. I ran my normal 5.2 mile walking route. IT FELT AWESOME. I haven't ran in almost two months. A couple of days after Thanksgiving I ran and got shin splints. I've been a little spooked since then. But today went fine. My pace was a little slower than what I'd gotten up to, before Thanksgiving, but I was impressed with my performance. It just felt good. It was 55, really foggy and a 12 mph wind, but even that wasn't too bad. The dog seems to be feeling better today, so hopefully we will resume our walks tomorrow, but Tuesdays and Thursdays might become running days again. I didn't get the stupid job, but that's all right, hopefully something else will come along. What makes it all better? My two year old told me she loved me last night, unprompted, unsolicited, just straight up told me she loved me. That made everything better.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday and Weekend

Well I haven't done shit since Thursday. Workout wise. On Friday I had an interview with a High School for an English teaching position. Haven't heard anything and it is starting to drive me nuts. Saturday and Sunday was spent in Bastrop and it rained the whole damn weekend, so I didn't get out at all. We had fun celebrating a birthday for our little buddy Reagan, who turned two this weekend and the Green Bay Packers put a whooping on the Atlanta Falcons, so that was awesome. I'm feeling fat and lazy and this weather sucks. I did manage to get out this morning. Went on my old 3.5 mile route and was sluggish and slow. The dog isn't 100 percent either. I don't know what is exactly wrong with him, but he is starting to get old and I'm thinking the cold, damp weather isn't mixing well with his old bones. Hopefully things get better quickly.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cold and walking, cold and running, still cold.

OK cold snap, I get it. You want to remind us that even in South Texas it can get cold. Got it. Now go away. I am so tired of the cold. Ran a little today. It felt good but I am pretty sure the dog thinks I've gone insane. Tomorrow is a pretty big day for me, I'm already starting to feel nervous. I'm debating on whether or not I should go out in the morning or stay in and sleep, to make sure I'm fully rested for my interview. Decisions, decisions. Whatever I decide I just hope I don't puke on my shoes during the interview.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wind on a Cold Day Really Blows. Ha.

See what I did there? Anyways, got up, even though I really, really didn't want to because it was cold and I could hear the wind, and got out there. The first half of my walk was all into the 12 mph wind. UGH. But I did it and I feel great for doing it. It was 33 and the wind chill made it feel like 24. Guh. Other than the cold and wind it was an uneventful venture. One hat, one ear cover, one muffler, one fleece jacket, two long sleeve shirts, one t-shirt, one pair of shorts and a pair of pants and I was still cold. But it was worth it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cold and Sleep

Well I wussed out today. After only three hours of sleep the other night I opted to sleep in this morning. So sue me. It was nice and I feel much better today. And it was freaking cold. Look, I know that to some of you 36 ain't that cold, but to my South Texas ass 36 is really freaking cold. And it was windy, gusts up to 20 mph, so that makes it even more uninviting. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer and hopefully I'll get to bed early again. I feel another five miler coming up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Weekend and Monday Morning.

Saturday I didn't go out for a real walk, but we ended up going to the zoo and I got a good couple of miles in. It was a fantastic day, probably the best time I've had at the zoo with the Kid. She was really digging the animals and was able to identify a lot of them. She blew us away with the joy she showed over seeing a Scarlet Macaw. It was pretty great. Sunday I got in a good five miler. Good weather and a good walk. And the GREEN BAY PACKERS WON!!! Yes! Didn't get much sleep last night, don't know why. Went to bed at 10:30 and was up at 2:00. WTF?? Oh well, got up and walked anyways. Five miles. My new headlamp kicks ass. It was nice to actually be able to see where I was going in the areas that have no lighting. It is supposed to get cold as balls out the next couple of days. I hope I don't wuss out and stay in my warm bed. We will see. Again, almost forgot. 218 lbs today!

Friday, January 7, 2011

01/07/2011 Freaking Friday

Good walk this morning. Did another 5 miler and still at a pretty good pace. Three police cruisers, two deer and zero bums this morning. It was chilly, but no wind. I can handle the cold, it's the wind that I do not like! And it looks like it will be getting pretty chilly next week. Great. Oh well, in a couple of month's I'll be begging for the cold weather to come back. Come on 5 pm!! Oh yeah, almost forgot, 219 lbs this morning. Good bye holiday fatness!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

01/06/2011 Walking for the Weekend

Holy crap, I am ready for it to be Friday at 5 pm. Nothing crazy planned for the weekend, just ready for it to be here. Some weekend sleep will be nice. Nothing unusual about today. Just a good walk. My pace is still pretty high, I like it. I'm hoping that when the hotter, more humid weather comes back that I can keep my pace high. I gotta say, I love my Garmin. It is awesome. I'm nerdy like that.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

01/05/2011 Homeless mumbler

Good walk today. 5.27 miles in a little over an hour. It felt good and the weather was all right. A little humid, 100%, but other than that it was pleasant. About a mile into it I came upon what I am pretty sure was a homeless gentleman. He was collecting cans, or maybe trash. He was looking in the bushes and gutter with a flashlight and collecting something into a bag. Anyways, after I had passed him he said something. I'm pretty sure it was in English, but I couldn't understand him and at 0430 in the morning I wasn't about to stop and enter into a conversation with him. When I came back by he was gone. It kind of freaked me out. Good walk and I am feeling good. The scale said 220 this morning, so that fucking rocks. Until tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

01/04/2011 PPPFFFFFFFF

It was kinda rainy and crappy out so I went back to bed. I wish I'd gotten up and done something. I'm crabby now and in a crappy mood. GRRRR.... Stupid weather. Maybe after work I can get a walk in.

Monday, January 3, 2011


UGG, 4:15 came way to early today. With the Wife and Kid back at school it is time to start getting back up early. I was doing pretty well until I got to work. Now I am tired. Anyways, the walk went very well. I'm feeling good and I think my legs are getting stronger, now to get rid of the holiday weight. Weighed in at 222 this morning. I am hoping to be down to 220 or lower by the end of the week. This shit is ridiculous.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Another five miles down. Feeling great. Very nice cold day out. I have been trying out new routes, my old one is stale and I think the dog is liking this more then I am. He is over 8 years old now and he doesn't slow down at all. The whole five miles he was pulling me along. He just smiles and goes and goes and goes. Awesome freaking dog. I've really started off the year well and I really hope my lazy ass keeps this up. I feel great and hopefully all the holiday weight will start coming off soon. Today I was 223, up a pound from yesterday. UGH!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Mofo!

All right, what a way to start off the year. 5 miles! Feeling good. 55, clear, windy and low humidity. Stayed up long enough last night to see the New Year begin, had some beers and then went quickly to sleep. Got up at 7ish when the kid got up and then got out on the road around 8:45. Great morning, except for the wind. A nice straight route with nice wide sidewalks, for the most part. Some hills, nothing to extreme. Weighing in a little heavy, 222, but hopefully this will quickly go away when I get back on my regular diet and walk/run plan. 2010 really sucked, I hope that 2011 is much better. Happy New Years and I hope that you have a fantastic year.