Monday, October 10, 2011

Well, hell.

Wow, it has been a really, really long time.  Things are going well over here.  I am training for the Rock and Roll half marathon on Nov. 19th.  I ran 8 miles on Saturday, in the rain and felt awesome.  I am progressing well and am really liking my running.  I am following the Hal Higdon program and it appears to be working.  I was a little apprehensive about the 8 miles, I'd never run that far before, but it was fine.  I didn't feel overly tired at the end of the run and felt as though I could have gone on for some more.  My goals with the half are to A) finish, B) finish under two hours.  I am really stoked about it.  Also, I've got the Livestrong challenge this weekend.  My sister and her husband are coming to Austin to run in this event and it is going to be awesome.  A year ago, my sister was really, really sick.  Scary sick.  And now she's running 5K's.  I am so excited about this and cannot wait for Saturday.  I'll try to keep this thing updated more.