Friday, April 29, 2011

This Week

Has been uneventful.  Did my new route on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Ran a 5k on Thursday.  Rest today.  Komen tomorrow.  Pretty excited.  And then PROM with the wife on Saturday night.  Should be fun.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Running

A great run on Easter Sunday.  I ran 3.1 miles in under 26 minutes, which is a personal best for me.  The weather was good.  I was a little worried about this run, I has some beer last night and did not eat very well last night.  But everything was all right and I was able to put in a great time.  Really looking forward to the Komen next weekend.  CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easy Like Friday Morning

The Dog and I took it easy today.  Hardly any running, just walking.  Got almost 5 miles in an hour and that is just fine with me.  Warm and muggy, probably going to be like this for a while.  Feeling good.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Week

Has been great.  I started a new, wild dog free, route this week.  I like my old route better still, but so far there haven't been any wild dog chases.  It is a little longer too, which is good.  I'm feeling great, my weight is staying down and things seem to going really good.  New job is keeping me busy during the day so I don't have as much time to update my blogs like I used to.  I try to keep posting.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Wild Dogs

What was meant to be an easy workout this morning turned into quite the adventure.  I wanted to take it easy this morning, after the big run yesterday and the weather not being too favorable for the dog.  It started off well, a little stiff but nothing eventful happening.  And then the dogs came.  I passed them on the way out and got past them without too much hassle but it was still scary.  They were wary to run out into some light traffic and the dog and I hauled ass.  I was pretty worried about coming back but there really is no way around where they were for me to get home.  So I sucked it up and dove back in and hoped for the best.  I got almost through where I had seen them and thought that maybe they had moved on.  When I got half way through the area I saw them and they saw me and it was on.  Thank goodness they weren't distance runners.  The dog and I had a big enough lead on them that they got a little too close for comfort but they never really got withing striking distance.  I think I'm going to get me some pepper spray.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Haulin' Booty

Tried to run my full 5 mile course this morning and almost succeeded.  And I felt great.  Still feel great.  It was awesome.  Pretty soon I'll be able to do the whole thing.  Weight is still down but I haven't lost any more.  Grr...Weather was nice, a little on the humid side but all right.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Same Thing, Different Day

Nothing too eventful today.  Got up, got ready, got gone.  Another good workout and good weather.  The dog was good and I was good.  Weight still down, still eating right.  Voila!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

The weekend went well.  I moved into a new office and I was there pretty much all night on Friday and most of the day on Saturday.  Not that the fam and I didn't have fun on Saturday.  We made it out to the farmers market and got some really good stuff.  Sunday I got in 18 holes with a buddy.  I shot all right, nothing great but better than I have played in a while.  Then it was housework, yardwork for the rest of the day.  Monday became an unscheduled rest day, it was raining!  This morning was fantastic.  Crisp and clear.  I need to take advantage of these cool mornings, they aren't going to last.  Eating has been horrible lately but the weight is staying off somehow.

Friday, April 8, 2011

5 miles is a long way

Well, left the dog at home this morning and tried to run my 5.2 mile route.  That's tough.  I feel good about the amount I accomplished but I wish I could have run a little more.  And the warm and muggy mornings are back.  UGH.  It was 75 with 86% humidity.  I was a sweaty mess by the time I got back home.  I liked it.  Ha.  Well for eating pizza last night, the wife and I were being lazy last night, I still weighed 207 this morning.  YES!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Somebody Didn't Wan't to Run Today

And it wasn't me.  Ha.  The dog was tired I guess, he wasn't into the running at all.  Walking was fine and dandy, in fact most of the time we were walking he was pulling me along, but the moment I started to run he'd slow on down.  I don't really blame him, we've gone pretty hard the last couple of days, he needed a break and maybe so did I.  It was a pretty good morning, low 60's but the humidity is getting into the gross levels, 94%.  And the weight keeps coming off, 207 this morning.  Awesome.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Fine Day

Another great morning.  I had full intentions of taking it easy this morning and not pushing it.  Well that didn't happen.  I ran a lot, it helps when the dog is game to go.  He didn't slow me down at all.  It was nice.  The weather has been great, a little on the cool side, but I will not complain because the shitty mornings are right around the corner.  And this morning the scale read 208 lbs!  WTF?  The lbs are flying off.  I hope I can keep this up all the way to 200!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Freaking Fantastic

Had an excellent run/walk today.  Just a good workout, felt great, legs felt good, dog was keeping up well, just everything felt in place.  The weather was a little cool, Weather channel said 37 but I believe it was warmer than that.  No wind and low humidity, made for a great workout.  AND the big news, for the first time in I don't know how long I weighed in UNDER 210 POUNDS!!!  209 LBS BABY!!!  That's pretty big and has me feeling really good about things.  Maybe the oral surgery was a wake call or something, maybe the soft/liquid diet I was on jump started my metabolism or something.  I've been losing weight like a champ these last couple of weeks.  The day before surgery I was 221 and today I am 209.  Pretty awesome.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Funday

Ran a 5K this morning, at a local track, not a actual race or anything. Was a little apprehensive, I haven't run since the end of February and I took almost two weeks completely off due to the surgery. Well, I ran it as fast as the one I ran at the end of February. Yay me!! It felt great, I felt like I was going really slow but I averaged an 8:35 mile,which for me is pretty fast. Then I got home and cleaned the shower and toilet, mowed the lawn and put out some weed and feed, vacuumed and that's about it. I'm done!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving and Grooving

Today felt really, really good. Running a little more each day, keeping an eye on the dog, don't want him to get too hot. The weather has been pretty much perfect the last couple of days, could use a little less humidity, but I'll take what we've got right now. Whatever motivational issues I've had recently seem to be gone. Getting out of bed has been pretty easy and I'm even looking forward to my workouts. Also seeing the scale read 210 this morning was pretty awesome. I haven't seen it that low in a long time, it feels pretty good. I'm hoping to be down to my goal, 200, by summer time. It is April, I cannot believe this year is going so fast.