Friday, December 31, 2010

Yeah, well

Ok, so I bitched out again this morning. Dammit, I am lame. But it is the last day of the year and I am so totally not going to be like this next year. Really, I promise. Stupid lazy dumb ass! Anyways, I hope everyone has a great and safe New Years!! Pick some realistic resolutions and get them done. I got a little over 700 miles in this year, I want to get more than that in 2011. I want to get down to 200 lbs and maybe, maybe run a half marathon. We will see.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Fog

Holy crap, it could have been a horror movie out there this morning, the fog was that thick. Kind of creepy, kind of cool. It was pretty warm for the end of December, 55 and, as always, humid. Pretty proud that I got out there this moring, though. The kiddo decided to be a pukey mess last night and thank goodness for my badass wife. She stepped up to the plate and did all the dirty work so that Daddy could sleep. She truly is a badass woman. The chub is attacking me now. I've gained back some weight and keep telling myself that everything will change next week. Back on my diet, dammit!!!! Anyways, one more day in 2010, thank God. This year was a rough one, hopefully 2011 will make me forget about 2010.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lazy Ass

Well so much for getting out everyday this week. Blarg. Yesterday was semi-excusable, I'd only gotten 3.5 hours of sleep the night before, but today, there is no excuse. I had changed my alarm clock the other day, so that I could sleep in a bit, but didn't move it back last night. As I was laying down to sleep I thought about that, but still didn't do anything. So yes, I am lazy. Dammit. I WILL GET OUT THERE TOMORROW! I hope.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 27

Today was a cold bitch out. 25 degrees and reportedly 19 with the windchill. I know to some of you out there that 25 isn't that cold, but for South Texas that is pretty damn cold. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather it be like this than 85 degrees with 96% humidity. A great clear sky with lots of stars and a nice moon though. Feeling a little fat with all the damn holiday food I've eaten. I really wanted to try to lose weight in December but cedar fever and holiday munchies had other plans. Oh well, feeling good now and I don't plan on stopping soon. I am really loving my new Garmin Forerunner 110. Fantastic present for Christmas. Also got some kick ass new running clothes from my Brother and Sister in-law. Can't wait to get up tomorrow and do it again. Hopefully faster.