Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Rest Days

So maybe I pushed it a little, coming back from the two flus, so I took yesterday and today off. Got a 5K tomorrow too, so rest is a good thing. Want fresh legs tomorrow. Pretty excited, I ran this 5K last year, it was my first one. I'm pretty excited to see how much of a better time I can put up. A little bummed that I am not 100% going into the race, but it shouldn't be too hard to put up a better time than I did last year. And the Wife and my Brother in-law are running in it too. Should be a good time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just Like it Used to Be

All right, I think I am back to 100%. Today's walk was great and I didn't feel weak or worn out. I do now, but hopefully that will go away by tomorrow. Don't think I'll be able to run the whole 5K on Saturday, but I won't be surprised if I do. We'll see.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

5 More Miles

It felt great to get back to my 5 mile route. I've missed it. Still not feeling 100%, but way better than I have been feeling. Got some issues going on with my left foot. Not open sores, not blisters, but more like a callus on the ball of my left foot and my heel. They hurt. Not good. Walking on them is all right, but running isn't all that great. I hope they go away or I guess I should look into it. I hope it isn't anything to terrible.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Back to the Grindstone

Well, I'm back finally. After flu's and stomach flu's and setbacks and all sorts of crap I finally got back out there. It felt good. I am weak and I went pretty slow, for me, but all in all it was just really nice to get a sweat on. And not a sweat caused by a horribly high fever.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Holy Christ

All right, still alive. Barely. Today is the first day since Monday that I've felt good. Still pretty weak and tired, but I feel alive and not like a zombie. I am aiming for getting some kind of exercise tomorrow. This has been awful. The kid has had, in the last two weeks, the stomach flu, the regular flu, is currently rocking an ear infection and a possible UTI. Fun times. Poor kid. But she's tough.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Uckfay Ouyay Uflay

Well, did not get shit done this weekend. The Kid has the flu, for real, so we spent most of yesterday dealing with that. Wonderful. So no real workout since last Tuesday. Awesome. And I am trying to convince myself that I am not getting the flu too. UGH!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eff the Flu

Been out with the stomach flu since Thursday. Feel much better today, will hopefully be getting in some miles tomorrow. Suck it Flu!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Run Fast

Last night, before the cold front hit, I got out and went to the track by our house. Figured today wouldn't be a good day to to get out and it isn't. Got in 3.25 miles and felt fantastic. My pace, 9:06 is the fastest I've been in a while and I got in two miles, walked .25 and then ran the rest. My last mile running was faster than my second. I'm pretty stoked. For a while it seemed like it was going to be a really bad run, but something happened, I adjusted my stride, something and it just went insanely smooth on that last mile. I stopped and felt like I could have kept going. I should have. Anyways, heres to hoping I can get out there tomorrow.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Post Superbowl Blah

This morning's walk sucked. I wasn't feeling it. My stomach is upset, whether from a bug or the food I ate yesterday, I don't know. Just wasn't feeling it. Got in 3 miles, but was pretty slow. Anyways the Packers won, I am a happy man.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


All right, today is Superbowl Sunday and I am going a little nutso. I am a huge Packers fan and I want the game to start. Anyways, I took advantage of the fantastic weather to get out there and get some running in. I went to my old track and got in a good 3.5 run. It felt good. Now I can focus the Superbowl. GO PACK GO!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday, Friday = Getting it done but not having fun

Holy crap Thursday's walk was miserable. It was cold, the wind was BLOWING and with the threat of snow(WTF?) in the forecast, I needed to go. Me and the beast did the abbreviated 3.5 mile route and froze our cojones off. It did snow(WTF?), but it did not last. By noon on Friday almost all evidence of snow was melted away. I got out for the 5 miler and it felt great. The beast and I ran quite a bit and we both held up fine. The kiddo got into something nasty on Friday night and produced monumental amounts of vomit. It was a rough night and most of today has been spent in pajamas, just trying to recover from last night. Queasy stomach today too, not sure if it a stomach bug or nightmares from the amount of puke I had to clean up last night. It was horrifying/amazing.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, last night I decided I better get my booty out there and not wait for the morning. So with wool socks, two pairs of pants, a pair of shorts, a tee shirt, two long sleeved shirts, a fleece jacket, a windbreaker, a wool hat, a wool muffler I set out to freeze my buttocks off with my Dog, who was none too happy about it. We got in 3.5 miles and didn't freeze solid. It was 28 with winds of 21-28 mph. I was glad to get home but also happy I got out there and did something. I probably won't get out today at all, it is much colder and I have to play daddy daycare tonight while the wife is at school. I hate the wind.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


UGH! Woke up just when the cold front hit San Antonio, wind, rain, cold. Back to bed I went. I hate the weather this time of year. Pick one, cold and windy or nice and calm, I don't care, just pick one.